Cyber Monday is a day of taste making. It’s the day that tells everyone else what’s hot and what’s not and I, for one, love seeing all the awesome things that everyone purchased. Because now I know what to cool things to try out! If you’re like me and you’re into seeing these trends, check out this list of the 22 gadgets our readers absolutely loved on Cyber Monday.
There’s probably not a kitchen gadget in this world quite as adorable as this beautiful, and very intricate, parrot wine bottle opener. Who couldn’t use an extra wine bottle opener in their life? Our readers went wild over these real-time translator headphones. And who could blame them? They make travel so much more accessible and fun for those that don’t speak multiple languages. And for the bird watchers out there, this feeder with built-in camera is an absolute game changer! You can keep an eye on your local bird population without worrying about scaring them off.
Give Your Skin That Gorgeous Glow

Who doesn’t want dewy, beautiful skin? I know I do! This amazing gua sha set is one of the most important steps in getting the best skin possible. Not only does it feel like heaven, it also tightens and brightens your skin so you can get that gorgeous, youthful look.
A Bar in a Bag

This is one of my favorite things I’ve seen in a while; it’s a bar in a bag! You can take this bag with you anywhere you go and become the life of the party, or at least the fountain of the party. This set comes complete with all you need to get shaking and stirring.
A Totally Tactile Toy

Win gift giving with this little toy that’s an exciting gadget your little ones are going to love! This is a sort of electronic instrument that allows your kids to control the way the sound comes out of the little rubber face as well as the pitch using the slider in the middle.
No Mess, no Stress

The more we’re moving to a work from home world, the more it seems we’re all paying attention to the state of our office space. If you, like myself, are obsessed with keeping your desk neat and tiny, this mini vacuum is going to change your life! It keeps your space free and clear of those annoying, tiny trash bits.
A Birder’s Best Friend

What’s better for a birder than a bird feeder that allows them to keep an eye, a very close eye, on their favorite creatures? No need to worry about stealth anymore with this — just check the app on your phone and see which gorgeous birds are out taking a bite.
Keep Your Kitchen Tidy

This is a small gadget, but it’s a game changing gadget nonetheless. Those annoying cords you hate snaking all over your lovely counters? This little guy keeps them rolled up and tucked out of the way so you can take back your counters and keep everything looking nice and tidy.
For The Fidgeters Out There

Are you a fidgeter? I know I am. I’ve got to keep my hands or feet moving at all times, which is why I invested in a walking desk this year. For those that can’t afford a walking desk (they’re pricey to say the least!), this fidget cube will keep your mind focused and your hands busy throughout your day.
Make Wine More Fun

Wine doesn’t really need help to be fun, but it never hurts to add something funky and cute to your kitchen gadget drawer. This corkscrew is not only incredibly effective at it’s job, it’s also probably the most fun a kitchen gadget can get! Your guests will fall in love if you pull this out at your next dinner party.
Control Your Food Waste

Food waste is no joke, especially if you have teens. A bag gets open, half gets eaten, and then it gets left out on the counter for the contents to go stale. But not anymore! This handy gadget closes the ends back up in a snap — no more annoying (and oft forgotten) chip clips!
Keep Things Organized

There are few things I find as annoying as hunting for the right size ziploc bag. It’s a time waster for no reason at all! This awesome box keeps everything right where you need it so there’s no more fumbling and cursing as you reach for a quart bag and pull out a sandwich bag instead.
Bring Korean BBQ to Your Kitchen

Korean BBQ is all the rage lately. Which makes sense — it’s freaking delicious! It’s not, however, easy to emulate at home. But this BBQ plate has changed the game. Now you can get your favorite KBBQ right in your own home; no need to go out and spend an arm and a leg.
Eat Clean

One surefire way to be sure you’re eating clean is to clean what you eat! This food cleaner rests in the sink with whatever you’re cleaning (beans, shrimp, fruit, etc.) and makes sure you’re getting the cleanest bite possible every time. No more hand washing fruits and combing through beans.
Keep Your Table Cloth Still

I cannot stand when I sit down to a fancy dinner I spent ages making and my table cloth starts moving. It’s the worst! Fortunately, this awesome clip exists. It keeps my table cloth right where I want it and allows me to focus on the dinner and the friends instead of straightening the cloth every five minutes.
Get Into the Nooks and Crannies

Did you know your dryer isn’t actually as clean as you’d like it to be? Sure, the lint trap does a good job, but it doesn’t do a perfect job, and lint can often collect below the trap. That’s where this gadget comes in; slide this down in the lint trap housing and pull out all the leftover build up.
Everyone Loves a Deep Clean

If you’re cleaning your home, it’s important that you actually get your home clean, but not everyone has the patience, or strength, to really get into built-up grime. This awesome, spinning brush allows you to get right into the dirt and build up without having to apply too much elbow grease or waste precious time.
Herbs Should Stay Fresh

Everyone is familiar with the process of buying basil (or cilantro, or parsley), leaving it in the fridge, and opening the fridge the next day only to discover gross, shriveled up herbs. It’s no good! If only there was a way to prevent it… Just kidding! This awesome gadget does just that! Keep those herbs fresh and tasty.
Properly Aerate Your Wine

If, like me, you never realized that wine should be aerated, you’re not alone. It’s not necessarily common knowledge! But now that you know, you’ve got to try doing it because it really changes those flavor profiles. But don’t stress on how to do it, just grab this awesome pourer set instead!
Take the Guess Work Out of Conversations Abroad

I love traveling, so this gadget was an immediate purchase! I love going to places where I don’t speak the language and really immersing myself in the culture. The only problem? I don’t know how to ask for anything! These headphones translate for you in real time so you can go where you want without fearing the language barrier.
Light Your Candles in a Flash

This is pretty dang cool, if you haven’t seen a lighter like this before, you’ve got to check it out! There’s no flame here, but it still lights your wicks in a snap. No need to worry about burning the knuckle of your thumb or running out of gas in the tank.
A Toaster That Does Double-Duty

This is the most surprising of all the gadgets on this list. Not only is it a cute little toaster (though not the Little Toaster), it’s also a toaster for a very specific purpose: toasting buns and cooking hot dogs! If you love yourself a good carnival or baseball dog, you’ve got to add this to your cart.
Pickles, Made Easy

This is one of the funniest gadgets I’ve ever seen, but also the most practical! This guy fits around the neck of most standard pickle jars so you can keep it right where you want it, and it comes equipped with a fork that grabs a pickle out in a flash. No more scooping with bare fingers!
Scrape It Up

Ever had to get a label off a book or a glass? Remember how impossible it is? This scraper gives you a helping hand so you can cuss less while you scrape. It’s a sort of spatula designed to perfectly pull up all sorts of grossness you couldn’t otherwise get without it.